Rental Rules & Regulations
Rental Fees & Deposits
- Square Footage - 4,027 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - 400 seats
- Accommodations - Fully air conditioned building, multi-stalled bathrooms, front lobby, green room, backstage, & sound/light booth.
- Paying Event - 25% of gate revenue ($500 minimum)
- Business Meeting/Conference - $100 an hour (3 hour minimum); daily rate is $500
- Civic Function - Up to $200, depending on event and use of electricity, etc. Possibly no charge.
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $100
- Stage sound/lighting - An operator for the sound/lighting system may be available for extra charge.
- Square Footage - 6,000 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Tables and chairs available for a fee. Tables are $2 each, chairs are $.50 each.
- Accommodations - Multi-stalled bathrooms, full basket ball court or three small courts.
- Daily Rate - $200
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $100
Conference Center:
- Square Footage - 3,363 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Rental includes use of 30 tables and 100 chairs.
- Accommodations - Single stalled bathrooms, drinking fountain & kitchen.
- Hourly Rate - $25 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily Rate - $200
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $100
- Square Footage - 2,042 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Rental includes use of 10 tables and 50 chairs.
- Accommodations - Fully air conditioned & large industrial kitchen.
- Hourly Rate - $50 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily Rate - $300
- Damage Clean-Up Deposit $100
Combined Conference Center and Cafeteria Use:
- Hourly rate: $75 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily rate: $400
Alcohol on the Premises
No alcohol may be served, consumed or possessed on the rental premises unless notice of the same is given to the BHF prior to rental of the facility.
In the event alcohol is to be present on the leased premises, the renter shall be responsibile for providing security in the form of a Brazoria Police Officer.
A minimum of one (a) officer is required for any function at which ratio of one (a) officer per each seventy-five (75) people or any lesser number of people in attendance. By way of explanation, one (a) officershall be require for any group having at least seventy-six (76) people but no more than one hundred fiftey (150) people, and so on. All officers serving in such security capacity shall be approved in advance by the Cheif of Police of the Brazoria Police Department and renter shall pay all fees to such officers. Any function being held on the facilities is subject to a periodic inspection by officers of the Brazoria Police Department. If alcohol is found on the premises without prior notice to the BHF, the Police Officer in question shall have the authoriy to terminate the function and to demand immediate removal of the rental and all other persons from the premises.
General Provisions
- The renter agrees to comply with all laws, federal, state and local, including all ordinances of the city of Brazoria, and all rules, regulations and requirements of the Police and Fire Departments.
- The renter agrees to assume all responsibility for any damages or injuries to the premises or those persons present as a result of the activity in question.
- No oral agreements for the use of the facilities shall be valid. All reservations must be confirmed with a written contract signed by the BHF and the renter.
- Person's signing the contract (the "renter") must be present at the time of the scheduled activity and they and any group or club, which they represent, will be liable for any and all damages that should occur in excess of the deposit.
- The renter may not sublease or assign its reservation to another group or organization, nor may it surrender, assign or sublease the facilities to another group or organization once the activity begins.
- The renter shall be responsible for seeing that the facilities are cleaned and returned in good condition no later than 8:00 a.m. following the event in question, with all garbage and trash to be placed in plastic trash bags and placed in the dumpster located on the facility properties.
- No decorations or materials shall be nailed, tacked or otherwise fastened to walls or ceiling of any part of the facilities without special permission from the BHF. All such items must be removed upon closing the function.
- The BHF reserves the right to refuse any group, individual or organization the privilege of using the facilities for six (6) months as a result of violating the facility's policies set forth or otherwise abusing the facility. In the event of severe abuse the group, individual or organization may be barred permanently by the BHF. Group, individual or organization charged with a second occurance of abuse will be barred permanently.
- No person may rent any of the facilities for a function at which alcohol will be served unless that person is twenty-one (21) years of age or older. Any other renter must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
- The rental fees and security deposits set forth above are for any rental period not to exceed twenty-four (24) continuous hours provided, however, that all functions held on the facilities must be terminated no later than 1:00 a.m.
Clean Up & Closing Procedures
The renter agrees to leave the premises, including the parking lot and ditches, in a good, clean and orderly condition, at least equal to that in which they find the premises at the commencement of the event, and further agrees to comply with the procedures set forth below.
The deposit provided above will be forfeited in the event the renter either:
- Fails to clean the facilities in accordance with the procedures set out below and generally in a manner satisfactory to the BHF or
- Fails to give at least (5) working days notice of cancellation.
Proper clean-up and closing procedures consist of the following:
- Dust, mop and vacuum floors. Any spills should be mopped up with water only.
- Clean stove.
- Empty refrigerator.
- Empty trash containers outside the facility into plastic trash bags and place in the dumpster located on the facility.
- Pick up all debris and other trash outside the facility - including cigarette butts.
- Turn off any equipment or utilities used such as lights, ovens, etc. (including the lights in the restrooms.)
- All tables and chairs are to be put in storage closet (30 6 ft tables and 100 folding chairs.
- Turn off all thermostats unless otherwise instructed by BHF.
- Close and lock all doors.
- Return the keys and report of any damages as soon as possible, but in the event no later than 8:00 a.m. on the first business day following the use of the facility.