Civic Center
Rental Details
Civic Center Rental Details
- Square Footage - 4,027 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - 400 seats
- Accommodations - Fully air conditioned building, multi-stalled bathrooms, front lobby, green room, backstage, & sound/light booth.
- Paying Event - 25% of gate revenue ($500 minimum)
- Business Meeting/Conference - $100 an hour (3 hour minimum); daily rate is $400
- Civic Function - Up to $200, depending on event and use of electricity, etc. Possibly no charge.
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $200
- Stage sound/lighting - An operator specified by BHF is necessary, either to produce the Show or train an operator. This charge will be extra
- Square Footage - 6,000 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Tables and chairs available for a fee. Tables are $2 each, chairs are $.50 each.
- Accommodations - Multi-stalled bathrooms, full basket ball court or three small courts.
- Daily Rate - $400
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $200
Conference Center
- Square Footage - 3,363 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Rental includes use of 30 tables and 100 chairs.
- Accommodations - Single stalled bathrooms, drinking fountain & kitchen.
- Hourly Rate - $25 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily Rate - $200
- Damage/Clean-Up Deposit - $200
- Square Footage - 2,042 Sq. Ft.
- Seating - Rental includes use of 10 tables and 50 chairs.
- Accommodations - Fully air conditioned & large industrial kitchen.
- Hourly Rate - $50 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily Rate - $300
- Damage Clean-Up Deposit $200
Combined Conference Center and Cafeteria Use
- Hourly rate: $75 (4 hour minimum)
- Daily rate: $400
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