Brazoria Heritage Foundation
Meet the board Members
Our Foundation is ran by a group of volunteers who dedicate many hours of their lives to strive to meet the goals of the Foundation each year.

David Jordan
Dedicated volunteer in the local community and passionate board member for BHF.

Wayman Hutchings
Vice President
Dedicated citizen in the West of the Brazos area. A passion for the local communities, and a love for all things Historical.

Pam Browning
Dedicated volunteer to BHF and the local community.

Judi Downing
“I am a lifelong citizen of Brazoria and an original Brazoria Heritage Foundation Board member. It’s important to me to continue to preserve the school that was an important part of the lives of my parents, myself and my siblings, as well as my grandchildren and nieces and nephews.”

Ashley Lancaster
Board Member
Mother, Wife and dedicated servant to the local community.
A passion of preserving the history and continuing the efforts of BHF.

Bruce Crecy
Rental Coordinator
Dedicated board member, volunteer, and local history supporter.

Margaret Baugh
Board Member
Dedicated volunteer to Brazoria Heritage Foundation. Director of Master’s Academy of Fine Arts.

Berniece Smith
Board Member - Black History Room Chairman
Retired teacher with a passion for preserving history and educating about the local Black History.

Becky Danford
Board Member - Santa Anna Ball Chairman
“My father in law Doyle Danford and my Uncle Johnny Greenberg were very active for the Heritage Association.”
“I am proud to carry on the tradition in both of their memories.”

Cheryl Trafton
Board Member
Long time board member and foundation supporter.

Jerry Measells
Board Member
Dedicated volunteer and local history supporter.

Melissa Ebner
Board Member - Publicity Director
“I grew up in Brazoria. I’m a Wife, Homeschool mom, and History Junkie! I have a passion for giving back to our community anyway I can and look forward to continuing the efforts of the Brazoria Heritage Foundation. May we succeed in teaching the future generations about their great local history, and the significance it had in the foundation of Texas.”

Bob and Tissie Schwebel
Board Member Emeritus
Past President, CEO, & his Secretary. We devoted the last 20 years of our life to Brazoria Heritage Foundation because it is important that the rich history of Brazoria is preserved for the future.